Worship with us every Sunday at 10:00am
Join us for a vibrant, relevant and engaging worship experience!

We believe that celebrating the presence of God in our lives leads to active worship not only as we gather as community on Sunday, but through the rest of the weeks as well. We seek to cultivate an atmosphere of worship that is vibrant & relevant and invites all to actively worship and honor God.
So you’ll park in the parking lot and enter the building (yeah, it doesn’t look like a typical church building – no big steeples, no huge crosses, no big heavy wooden doors… but don’t worry, you’re in the right place!)
And just to make sure, our greeter will be there to welcome you and help you find your way around. They’ll even point you in the direction of a steaming hot cup of coffee if you need it …
Our worship has an informal “coffee house” feel where you can enjoy a cup of your favorite beverage and a variety of snacks before, during and after worship. So grab a Journey mug and add your coffee or tea, make your way over to the snack table and grab a bagel or the yummy treat of the day.
We begin with a call to worship and prayer and then move to some up-beat contemporary praise music. Then we hear God’s word through Bible readings and a contemporary message from our pastor… it may include a video clip from a current movie or a good story or reference to today’s news, but it WILL be relevant to your life.
We share our joys and concerns each week with a special “candle-lighting time” (it’s kind of like lighting a votive candle in a catholic church but you don’t have to pay.. and don’t worry, you don’t have to talk in front of everyone if you don’t want to.
We do take an offering (you know that part where people put money in the basket) but guests are not expected to give; it’s an opportunity for those who have made a commitment to our church and our ministry to respond to God’s goodness.
Children are encouraged to enjoy our special children's worship area complete with a small table, toys and more!