Journey is committed to partnering with local groups as we serve the community together. Each partner receives financial support annually as well as cooperative hands-on service projects. In addition, each month Journey sponsors a “collection of the month” to benefit one of the organizations.
A grassroots nonprofit organization, founded in August 2009; dedicated to developing the South End of Albany, NY.
Journey has helped to host their Mississippi Days as well as supported their work in addressing violence in the city and advocating for the removal of “bomb trains through the neighborhood.
Camp Fowler is a non-profit Christian children’s camp that practices a compassionate Christianity that is grounded in openness and hospitality.
Grassroot Givers works with many people in our community including social workers, clergy, teachers, and directors of local nonprofits and shelters. We work collaboratively to identify specific supplies, material goods and volunteer support needed in our local communities. We then make a connection with those who have resources to share and deliver the donations directly to those in need.
In recognition of the dignity and value of every human life, the mission of Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless (IPH) is to address the needs of the homeless and low-income community by providing a continuum of services to encourage self-sufficiency, empowerment, and stability. Journey assists with an annual financial contribution and also provides an monthly dinner or dessert for the residents.
Joseph’s House provides emergency shelter or support services to an average of 1,000 men, women and children yearly. Approximately 550 individuals stay in our emergency shelters for adults, families with children, or our seasonal overnight shelter for single men. The agency also provides homeless street outreach, and legal services. Journey assists with an annual financial contribution as well as a clothing and blanket drive during the winter months.
Compassion In Action is a faith-based, non-profit organization devoted to extending acts of mercy, love, spiritual support and life services to the under-served people of the Albany area. They feed, clothe, counsel, support and help in any way that they can and they have been providing these services since 2001. The facility is affiliated with Koinonia Primary Care and they are in the same building located at 553 Clinton Avenue, Albany, NY 12206 which in the West Hill area of the inner city of Albany. Journey assists with financial contribution annual as well as hands-on service at summer Family Fun Nights and Holiday Blessing Party in December.
The Labor-Religion Coalition of New York State unites faith, labor and community in a powerful movement for economic justice. We take on campaigns that address: living wages, fair share taxation and subsidy, and strong democratic process. Journey assists with financial support as well as joining in their advocacy work through rallies, demonstrations and educational opportunities.
The Campus Ministry at UAlbany seeks to bring students together on campus to make a difference in the world. Journey assists with financial support for their annual Mission Trip and also provides meals for the students at their Food and Faith Program.
The Regional Food Bank has been helping to feed the poor and hungry in our communities since 1982. It is the only organization of its kind in northeastern New York. The Food Bank collects large donations of food from the food industry and distributes it to charitable agencies serving hungry and disadvantaged people in 23 counties. From Plattsburgh to Newburgh, in urban, rural, and suburban communities, the Food Bank provides over 30 million pounds of food a year to 1,000 agencies. Each year Journey sends a financial contribution and each spring and fall we spend a day at the Patroon Land Farm assisting with planting and harvesting.
RISSE is a family-based center supporting newcomers in building sustainable lives in the U.S. Journey supports them with an annual financial contribution.
The mission of the South End Children’s Cafe is to impact food insecurity, address food equality and food justice, enhance academic success and positively influence the physical and mental health of children residing in the South End of Albany, New York by offering free, healthy dinner time meals along with homework help, academic enrichment, mentoring, exercise and participation in the arts Monday through Friday. Journey supports them with a financial contribution and a food drive each year.
Family Promise of the Capital Region provides a comprehensive response to Family Homelessness. Our staff and volunteers work with existing social service agencies and faith communities to provide shelter, food and case management services to assist homeless families in securing employment, permanent housing and lasting independence.​ Journey assists with financial support and hosting the families each quarter.
The mission of the Albany Damien Center is to provide unique services in a supportive environment to improve the quality of life and health for those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.