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Journey United Church of Christ is a God centered church family welcoming all to join us on our journey as we worship joyfully and live, learn, and grow as servants of Christ through our faith and actions.
Ephesians 3:20-21 (CEV)
I pray that Christ Jesus and the church will forever bring praise to God. His power at work in us can do far more than we dare ask or imagine. Amen.

Life-Long LearningWe believe that God desires that as individuals and as a faith community we seek to grow in our faith. For that reason we are committed to teaching, training and equipping children, youth and adults for the life-long process of spiritual formation.
Engaging WorshipWe believe that celebrating the presence of God in our lives leads to active worship not only as we gather as community on Sunday, but through the rest of the week as well. We seek to cultivate an atmosphere of worship that is vibrant and relevant, one that invites all to actively worship and honor God.
Extravagant WelcomeWe believe that no matter who you are or where you are life’s Journey, you’re welcome here. We seek to be a community that is open to all regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, age or sexuality.
Real RelationshipsBeing part of a faith community is all about relationships – the relationship we have with God and the relationships we have with each other. We are committed to building authentic relationships of encouragement and accountability.
Serving SelflesslyWe believe Jesus provided the perfect model of a sacrificial servant with practical expressions of service. We believe we are called to be Jesus to those around us and to engage in hands-on service in our local community and mission around the world.
Speaking Truth to PowerWe share a commitment to issues related to justice for all God’s people. This commitment calls us to be a voice for those who have no voice or whose voice is not being heard. We strive to be part of the solution to modern day issues of injustice which often require us to speak truth to power.
The Church is a Body, not a Building"We believe the church is more than a building – it’s the body of Christ. Instead of investing limited resources in big buildings and big staff, we invest resources of time and money in mission and service; and we are committed to team ministry where individuals are called and equipped to serve in a way that utilizes their spiritual gifts and talents.
is the practice
is the point
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